Most were working class and self-employed young men —pulling a battery-powered rickshaw, selling groceries from a van, a welder, a factory worker, and so on. Having spent much of their lives under the oppressive regime, they might have succumbed to despair. Instead, they came to BNP rallies and meetings, overcoming violence by the ruling party thugs and law enforcement agencies. These working-class heroes wanted to take back their lives from the autocracy and saw BNP’s politics as the only path to deliverance. They made the ultimate sacrifice in the process, mowed down by the regime’s bullets. The voices of the working people are heard loud and clear in BNP’s rallies and meetings, and the party is committed to returning the Republic to the People.

Abdur Rahim
Rahim was shot dead by the police during an anti-corruption protest rally in Bhola on July 31, 2022.

Student leader
On July 31, 2022, he was injured in police firing during an anti-corruption protest rally in Bhola, a southern district of Bangladesh. On August 3, 2022, at 3:10 PM, he died under life support at Comfort Hospital, Green Road, Dhaka.

Shaon Prodhan
On September 1, 2022, he was killed by police firing during the BNP’s foundation anniversary procession.

Abdul Alim
Local businessman
On August 16, 2022, he was brutally attacked by the ruling party thugs at a BNP rally and martyred on September 15, 2022, while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Jashore.

Shahidul Islam Shaon
Rickshaw puller
On September 22, 2022, he was killed by police firing at a BNP rally.

Amit Hasan Anik
Student leader
On November 4, 2022, he was killed in an attack by the ruling party-affiliated thugs.

AFM Kamal
Political activist
On November 6, 2022, he was killed by Awami League loyalists.

Tanu Bhuiya
Political activist
On November 11, 2022, he was killed by Awami League loyalists.

Mohammad Yusuf
Youth leader
On November 13, 2022, he was killed by Awami League loyalists.

Nayan Mia
Factory worker
On November 19, 2022, he was killed by police while distributing leaflets on the occasion of BNP’s Cumilla divisional mass rally.

Md. Shahjahan Khan
Former member of the Bangladesh parliament
On November 5, 2022, he was injured in an attack by Awami League terrorists on his way to BNP’s Barisal divisional mass meeting. On November 28, 2022, he died in a hospital in Dhaka while undergoing treatment.

Maqbul Hosain
On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at noon, he was killed in front of the BNP headquarters in Nayapaltan by police firing.

Millat Hossain
Businessman, and father of an opposition activist
On Wednesday, December 7, Awami League thugs were searching for Faisal Mahbub Miju, a BNP leader, and broke into his house. As Miju was absent, the thugs swooped on his father and beat him mercilessly. In critical condition, Miju’s father was taken to Asgar Ali Hospital, where he succumbed to his injury.

Abdur Rashid Arefin
BNP leader
On Saturday, December 24, 2022, at noon, he was shot dead by the police in Panchagarh.

Mahbubul Alam
BNP leader
On April 4, 2023, Mahbubul was picked up by local ruling party leader Hasmat Ali and his associates. He was tortured to death in a room of Hasmat Ali’s house.

Sajeeb Hossain
Tiles worker
On the first day of BNP’s mass rally for democratic reforms on July 18, Sajeeb Hossain was hacked to death by Awami League activists in Laxmipur.